Influence of smoking on changes in indicators of bronchitis, asthma and lung cancer - comparison on the example of Poland, Malta and other European Union countries
tobacco smoking, asthma, bronchitis, lung cancerAbstract
Introduction. Smoking is associated with respiratory diseases. Despite declining smoking rates, asthma and chronic bronchitis cases rose between 2014 and 2019. Quitting smoking is vital for managing asthma and reducing the risks of bronchitis and lung cancer.
Aim. A correlational study of smoking prevalence and its association with asthma, bronchitis and lung cancer in people from Malta, Poland and the EU in 2008/2014/2019.
Materials and methods. Integration and comparison of statistical data from EUROSTAT – (EHIS) 2008/2014/2019, ISAAC; ESPAD, 2014/2015, ECIS 2020.
Results. Smoking habits exhibit notable gender disparities, with 24% of Polish men and 23% of Maltese men being regular smokers, compared to women (Poland – 15%, Malta – 16%). While male smoking rates have declined, especially in Poland, female rates persist. In 2019, asthma affected 5.6% of the EU adult population, with Poland at 4.1% and Malta at 6%. Chronic bronchitis is more prevalent in Poland (3%) than Malta (1%). In 2020, lung cancer rates among men varied slightly between Poland and Malta (120.0; 100.3 per 100.000). However, the incidence among women is twice as high in Poland (53.1; 23.9 per 100.000).
Conclusions. Malta’s elevated asthma rate, despite comparable smoking rates, hints at additional risk factors like traffic. Poland’s increased bronchitis rate likely stems from higher historical smoking. The doubled lung cancer incidence in Polish women suggests a passive smoking connection. The burden of bronchitis intensifies due to high smoking rates in men over 50. Addressing smoking rates can potentially address respiratory disease rates, but other risk factors should also be identified and managed.
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