Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems as the basis for obtaining a disability certificate among patients from Lublin in 2006-2021


  • Barbara Nieradko-Iwanicka Hygiene and Epidemiology Department, Medical University of Lublin, Poland Author
  • Paulina Pawłowska Students’ Scientific Association at the Hygiene and Epidemiology Department, Medical University of Lublin, Poland Author
  • Aleksandra Skorupa Students’ Scientific Association at the Hygiene and Epidemiology Department, Medical University of Lublin, Poland Author
  • Aleksandra Nowińska Students’ Scientific Association at the Hygiene and Epidemiology Department, Medical University of Lublin, Poland Author




disability, cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases


Introduction. People with disabilities are individuals with full rights, who find themselves in a handicapped situation due to environmental, economic and social barriers that they cannot overcome in the same way as other people. About 15% of the global population live with disability. The number of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and pulmonary diseases is increasing.

Aim. The aim of the study was to find out if CVD and lung diseases were among the leading causes of issuing disability certificates in Lublin in 2006-2021.

Material and methods. The data was obtained through a query at the Municipal Disability Adjudication Council in Lublin. We obtained anonymized data from years 2006-2021 referring to 16+ population.

Results. In the years 2006-2021 Municipal Disability Adjudication Council in Lublin issued 76,581 disability certificates for persons over 16 years of age. Out of that number 15,648 (20%) certificates were issued due to CVD and pulmonary diseases. These were on the second position among causes of disability after musculoskeletal diseases. The certificate recipients were mainly men > 60years of age with secondary or vocational education. In all age groups unemployed persons predominated.

Conclusion. The cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases were the second common reason of issuing disability certificates to adults in Lublin in the years 2006-2021.


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