Four concentrated emulsions were made of soybean oil, human albumin and lecithin, hiperisotonised with: glucose, natrium chloride, Ringer salt or glyceride. The studies of physical properties were carried out directly after homogenization. Additionally an analysis of droplet diameter size of the internal phase was conducted after half-a-year storage at 4-5 °C. The results show the smallest increase of droplet size in the presence of glucose. All o/w emulsions have pseudoplastic flow and their fluidity can be described by the general equation: ф = K DrN, where: K – speed fluidization, Dr – shear stress, N – power exponent. The size of thixotropy, evaluated on the basis of the value of liquefaction coefficient (F), is biggest also in the case of emulsion with glucose. Thus it can be concluded that among four proposed isotonic agents, glucose appears to be the best.
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