Aim. Cervical cancer is the most common genital malignancy and one of the leading causes of death among female population in Slovakia. At present, this location of cancer is preventable disease visible in screening for premalignant lesions if the women use and participate in such screening regularly. We assessed the knowledge on the cervical cancer screening, the attitude towards it and its utilization among women in Slovakia.
Material and methods. A cross-sectional study evaluated the knowledge, attitude and practice of cervical cancer prevention and screening among women. The sample was composed of 239 women aged 18-64 years. Data collection was conducted by selfadministered questionnaire in a period from January to April 2015.
Results. Respondents exhibited an average knowledge of cervical cancer, about risk factors and early signs, but awareness of cervical cancer screening was satisfactory. Despite the fact that respondents expressed good attitude to cervical cancer screening, their level of practice was low (64% participation in preventative gynaecology check-ups and 43% in Pap smear tests within one year and 44% within three years). In the study we could observe better results in women with higher education when it comes to an illness (p < .001), its prevention (p < .001) and risk behaviour (p < .001).
Conclusions. The awareness of cervical cancer among women in Slovakia is limited. In the future there is a need to educate and promote awareness of cervical cancer among women to reduce the burden of morbidity and mortality.
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