Introduction. Holism has been poorly researched in the field of health and social gerontology. The old man is a whole, therefore he needs a holistic treatment. It means that we consider his bio-psycho-social and spiritual needs. The purpose of the research is to determine the relationship of a psychological holistic factor with life satisfaction in old age.
Material and methods. For the needs of the research work, a quantitative research method was used. A simple random sample was selected from the statistical set. The survey included 1064 elderly people in Slovenia (65 years and over) in ten statistical regions living in the domestic (n=532) and institutional (n=532). Environment. Sample realization was 61.6 % (656 correct questionnaires). According to demographic data, the survey involved 470 (71.6%) women and 186 (28.4%) men. The average age of the respondent was 78.2 years. The data was analyzed with the R MICE package. The analysis of causal effects and conditional associations advanced statistical methods, i.e. propensity score methods, and a questionnaire as a structured measurement instrument were used.
Results. Obtained research results imply a scientific contribution in the field of quality management of people in old age and their life quality. On the basis of statistical calculations, the hypothesis that the psychological holistic factor (R2=0.21) is related to life satisfaction in old age is confirmed. We proved that indexes: social networks (R2=0.176), positive emotions (R2=0.366), loneliness (R2=0.151), cognitive abilities (R2=0.162) studied within a psychological holistic factor affect life satisfaction.
Discussion and conclusion. Research confirmed that within the psychological factor, the most intimately related to life satisfaction is the emotional index, followed by the index of social networks, cognitive abilities and the last index of loneliness. For the holistic treatment of old man, in which the psychological factor is the only one of the four holistic factors, both structural and process changes are required for achievement of better outcomes, in our case, higher levels of satisfaction with life in old age.
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