Aim. The aim of this research study was to determine the level of social competence of nursing students basing on the example of the first-year students of Elblag University of Humanities and Economy. Additionally, the aim was to find out why candidates choose nursing studies.
Material and methods. 217 nursing students starting their education at Elblag University of Humanities and Economy between the years 2013 and 2015 participated in the research. In order to conduct the research, the authors used a survey. The research tools included the questionnaires: the authors’ questionnaire, the questionnaire of empathy compiled by M. Kaźmierczak, M. Plopa, S. Retowski, and the questionnaire of assertive behaviour compiled by M. Sobczak basing on “Assertiveness Map” included in Maria Król-Fijewska’s book.
Results. Students of different years differ substantially as far as the level of empathy and assertiveness is concerned. People who have no nursing-related education show a much higher level of assertiveness than the people who have a similar medical profession. The substantial statistical differences between the female and male students taking part in the research were observed as far as the subscales of the questionnaire of empathy is concerned. The most common reason for choosing the studies was the need to help other people, job security and a conscious choice of having another profession.
Conclusions. People who decide to study nursing do not fully reflect the contemporary image of a nurse. The various reasons for choosing that particular profession, different resources of social competence of those who enter the profession may make them perceive nursing and its problems in a different way from the one that is present nowadays. The issues of becoming familiar with the new image of Polish female and male nurses, the way in which they start their professional life become a challenge which may change the image of the profession itself.
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