Introduction. In the subject literature there were five conceptual dimensions of empathy defined which were specified as a human trait, the basis of professional work, communication process, a manifestation of concern and the special relations. Empathy is the essence of understanding the other person in nursing. The empathic competences have a significant meaning for building caring and therapeutic relations in the work of nurses.
Aim. An indication of the essence of empathy in nursing in the aspect of theoretical assumptions and practical activities together with its selected empirical determinants.
Method. Topic and unsystematic review of literature looking at the last 30 years. The analysis carried out by the authors of the research included 55 sources.
Results. The study of empathy in nursing quite often used the concept formulated by Neuman team and a definition of empathy coined by Mercer and Reynolds, resulting from the concept : “Empathy involves ability (…) (a) to understand the perspective of patient’s situation and feelings and related meanings; (b) conveying information about understanding patient’s state and checking their determinants; and (c) to act within the closeness agreement with a patient in the way consistent with the therapeutic assumptions. Research studies indicate that nurses in general have quite high levels of empathy which positively influences the process of communication with patients and their families and dealing with patients who have psychosocial problems.
Summary. Empathy model most often used in nursing is based on the relations in the communication process. Empathy has positive influence over the quality of relations between nurses and patients, as well as the quality of nursing care. The empathic competences of nurses require system education and professional development with use of training and other active forms.
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