Perception of stress and coping strategies in a group of people working on a farm – a cross-sectional study


coping strategies



Introduction. Work on a farm is characterized by many dangers that result from the action of biological, chemical and mechanical factors harmful to the functioning of the human body. Farmers experience the psychological and physical burden a lot.

Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the overall perceived stress intensity index, coping strategies and stress generating factors in the group of people working on a farm, as well as to determine the relationship between these variables and sociodemographic factors.

Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2019 and 165 people working on a farm located in Lesser Poland participated in it. Standardized research tools were used – the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), the Brief COPE Inventory and original questionnaire. During the data analysis the significance level was α = 0.05.

Results. Over half of the respondents felt average levels of stress. People working on a farm used the strategies: Active coping, Planning, Acceptance the most often, and the strategies: Substance use, Denial and Behavioural disengagement – the least. There is a relationship between the perception of stress and age, the level of agricultural education and the professional status of the respondents.

Conclusions. Most of the people working on the farm felt the average level of stress and they were dealing with this mainly using problem-oriented strategies. However, with the increase in tension caused by stress, respondents significantly more often reached for less effective remedial strategies.


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