Introduction. During the lactation period, energy demand and nutritional needs increase in woman. The basis of proper nutrition should consist of a balanced diet and concomitant vitamins and minerals supplementation in doses recommended by major scientific societies. Lactation has a priority over metabolic processes in mother. It absorbs 400-670 kcal per day and increases in case of multiples.
Breastfeeding is the best method of feeding infants during their first 6 months of life, therefore it should be promoted among mothers and supported by qualified specialists. According to The World Health Organization (WHO) and The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition [ESPGHAN], the percentage of women continuing breastfeeding at the child’s age of six months is low and in Poland it is 4-9% for exclusive breastfeeding and 63% for partial breastfeeding. In Europe, only in four countries the percentage of women continuing exclusive breastfeeding at infant’s 6 months of age exceeds 30% (Hungary, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia).
Aim. The following article is a collection of current recommendations on vitamins and minerals supplementation during lactation. In addition to the recommendations, practical aspects of successful lactation and its impact on the health of infants and mothers have been described.
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