Coping with stress by Medical University students
Coping with stress by Medical University students.pdf


causes of stress
coping with stress



Introduction. Stress can be defined as a physiological and psychic response to external stimuli (stressors) or as a relationship between the body and the environment that can affect the body in a negative, positive or neutral way.

Aim. The aim of this paper was to investigate the causes of stress among students, and to identify methods of coping with it in relation to sociodemographic determinants.

Material and methods. The number of 117 nursing students were examined using two standardized tools: Distress Thermometer and Mini Cope Sheet.

Results. Intensity of stress among nursing students amounted to 6.3, which was higher than the average. The causes of stress included: worrying, anxiety, fatigue, work, school. The most frequently chosen strategies for coping with stress are active coping, seeking emotional and instrumental support.

Conclusions. 1)Intensity of stress among nursing students was higher than the average and was equal to 6.3. 2) Students chose constructive methods of coping with it, i.e. active coping, trying to overcome the situation, searching for emotional and instrumental support. 3) The age of the respondents impacted the choice of the strategy of „cessation of activities” and the cause of stress – „relationship with a partner” and marital status correlated with occurrence of symptom of stress - „diarrhea”.

Coping with stress by Medical University students.pdf


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