Critical thinking as an indispensable component of the Polish nurses’ education process and a necessary condition for the development of nursing



Introduction. The changing reality, the interpenetration of cultures, progress in the field of science, the development of technology, the emergence of unprecedented needs, challenges from the civic health care system require nurses to accurately interpret the essence of phenomena and respond appropriately to the ongoing transformations. Therefore, the education process should not only convey the latest knowledge, stimulate self-education, prepare for conducting comparative and application activities, but also educate specific thought habits called critical thinking, as it is the opposite of routine, schematism or imitation.

Aim. Understanding the specifics of critical thinking. Providing several concepts of critical thinking. Demonstrating the need to develop critical thinking in the nurses’ education process. An attempt to provide appropriate criteria for the assessing of critical thinking skills in nursing.

Method. A phenomenological method that guarantees truthfulness and certainty of cognition through the intuitive knowledge of the essence of the phenomenon and the precision of the language of its expression.

Conclusions. Critical thinking teaches courage in breaking conceptual patterns. It allows you to define problems in a rapidly changing reality and find the optimal way to solve them. It extends the repertoire of the basic skills of a modern nurse. Moreover, it increases the independence of nurses and raises the level of their professionalism. Critical thinking as a key competence should become one of the main goals of education at every level. Mandatory courses of critical thinking and its application in practical activities should be organized for nurses.

Critical thinking as an indispensable component of the Polish nurses’ education process and a necessary condition for the development of nursing.pdf


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