Introduction. Late detected breast and cervical cancer are two of the most dangerous cancers due to the therapeutic possibilities and high mortality rate of women. Conducted scientific research, prevention programs and social campaigns do not contribute to changes in the attitudes of Polish women who, do not report for examinations and thus, preclude the possibility of early diagnosis.
Aim. The aim of the study is to analyze epidemiological data on the occurrence of cancer in women in Poland and to draw attention to the importance of prevention in this area.
Material and methods. For epidemiological analyzes, data from the National Cancer Registry, the Central Statistical Office and the Supreme Medical Chamber from the years 2014-2018 were prepared using descriptive methods.
Discussion. Every year the number of cancer deaths increases (SAO, 2018). Prevention, despite fi nancing from the state budget, did not bring the intended goal. More than half of the surveyed men claimed that women after mastectomy lose their attractiveness and those men would not start a new relationship with such women. Despite the fact that permanent, long-term partners accept the appearance of their partner after mastectomy, women are ashamed of their sexuality, what has its consequence in problems in the relationship or even the end of this relationship.
Conclusions. 1) Insufficient number of specialists in the field of oncology results in the fact that not every patient has a chance to be early diagnosed and to early start the treatment. 2) Regular examinations may contribute to a decrease in deaths caused by two most dangerous female cancers. 3) Diagnosis of breast cancer, cervical cancer and its effects have a negative impact on the psyche of women, especially on the perception of their femininity. In relationships in which there was a strong emotional bond before the woman’s disease, an improvement in sexual life was noted. Important factors affecting such relationship are: self-acceptance of a woman and her sense of attractiveness. 4) Large financial expenditures on preventive programs do not guarantee an increase in the detection of tumors nor a decrease in the number of deaths.
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