Nurse’s role in pharmacological pre-exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection
Nurse’s role in pharmacological pre-exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection.pdf


HIV prevention
pre-exposure prophylaxis
advanced nursing practice



Introduction. Reducing the number of new HIV infections is one of the challenges of modern health care. Advances in medicine have given rise to new methods of preventing the transmission of the infection. Pharmacological pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is one of them.

Aim. The aim of this paper is to discuss the principles of PrEP and to bring the role of a nurse closer in this regard.

Method. The safety and effi cacy of PrEP have been demonstrated in clinical trials. At the same time, in accordance with the postulates of the WHO to transfer competencies related to the prevention of the spread of HIV to other health care professionals, models of PrEP provision by e.g. nurses, are being discussed.

Results. Pharmacological PrEP used in vulnerable groups at risk of HIV infection may help slow down the epidemic. Nurses have almost all the knowledge and clinical competence to provide PrEP services. Expanding the competence of nurses by including HIV diagnosis, prescription of medications approved for use as PrEP, and increasing the scope of decision-making in this type of prophylaxis will contribute to its popularisation in Poland, as well as increase the prestige of the profession and the possibilities of developing of advanced nursing practice.

Nurse’s role in pharmacological pre-exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection.pdf


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