Introduction. The burnout syndrome is significantly associated with nursing profession. Individuals suffering from the syndrome manifest important health problems. More information about prevalence and risk factors for burnout is needed to prevent the syndrome and to determine the most appropriate clinical interventions when the disorder appears.
Aim. The aim of the submitted thesis is to map existence of burnout syndrome in the nurse profession, to compare its existence according to the type department and to find out impact of the demographic characteristics on the burnout syndrome origin.
Material and methods. In the empirical part we describe work method, data analyses, their processing and statistical testing.To collect information we used standardized questionnaire, Burnout Measure (BM) – burnout questionnaire. Acquired data are interpreted in charts.
Results. Result of our research is to find out that existence of burnout syndrome in profession of nurse is considerable, while we do not observe significant differences between different types of workplace. We have identified by statistical processing the impact of demographic index on the occurrence of burnout syndrome. As statistically important we consider in light of burnout syndrome occurrence characteristic, age and duration of practice. Result of our research is to find out that existence of burnout syndrome in profession is considerable, while we do not observe significant differences between different types of workplace.
Conclusions. Based on our results we recognize that it is necessary to strengthen the burnout syndrome prevention among nurses. The occurrence of burnout syndrome was confirmed in our study. The average value of BM indices in our sample was 3.40 for all nurses, a BM index of 3.44 for nurses in sample A and a BM index of 3.36 for nurses in group B. These average values of burnout clearly show that their averages are in the range of “presence of signals of burnout” In this category of the BM index there are significant signs of burnout, but it is not developed burnout syndrome. One alarming finding was that three nurses in sample B found themselves in BM index band 5, which means an emergency state in which it is necessary to seek professional help.
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