Aim. The purpose of cross-sectional study is to investigate the patient satisfaction with health care services provided in inpatient departments of clinical oncology and radiation oncology at the Faculty Hospital in Prešov and at East Slovak Oncology Institute in Košice (Slovakia). The assessment of patient satisfaction contributes to identification of services (factors) which are needed to be constantly improved and to maintenance of the quality of provided healthcare.
Material and methods. For the collection of data a questionnaire EORTC IN-PATSAT 32 with closed answers in a five-point Likert scale was used. Out of 64 recruited patients, who were hospitalized in oncology departments over a week, 63 returned a completed questionnaire. Patient satisfaction was assessed in relation to gender, age, marital status.
Results. patients reported low satisfaction with the hospital access and comfort in inpatients. In terms of the monitored variables, women and patients without life partner reported a lower level of satisfaction with providing care (waiting time, hospital access, comfort).
Conclusions. Patients referred to the deficits in health care in areas such as worse access to care in terms of transport accessibility and orientation in health care facilities. At the same time the environment was not rated high value. These defects are very important elements that significantly affect the survival of cancer patients. The management of health organization should focus attention on this issue and implement internal measures to improve patient satisfaction.
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