The level of emotional intelligence in undergraduate students of nursing
The level of emotional intelligence in undergraduate students of nursing.pdf


emotional intelligence
nursing students
nursing education



Aim. The theory of emotional intelligence provides a framework to think about all of the non-technical skills you need in order to be a good nurse. It’s often described as the potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remember, describe, identify, learn from, manage, understand, and explain emotions. The aim of the study was to determine the level of total global Emotional Intelligence among undergraduate students of nursing and also to check the influence of factors (the year of study, type of completed high school education) on Emotional Intelligence.

Methods. The study involved together 86 university students of nursing (average age 21.7±1.4; 96.5% females). We used the standardized questionnaire Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form (TEIQue-SF).

Results. The results show a higher level scores achieved by nursing students in all areas EI except Self-control compared to a population norm. Students who have completed non-health’s education achieved higher level scores of Emotionality (p ≤ 0.05).

Conclusions. EI abilities are essential for the profession of nursing in both educational and clinical practice. Examination of the role of education and the development of EI abilities in student nurses are needed to support this foundation of EI research.

The level of emotional intelligence in undergraduate students of nursing.pdf


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