Aim. The analysis of the adult country dwellers’ knowledge of colon cancer.
Material and methods. 100 adult inhabitants of Oleśnica (a village in Masovian Voivodeship of Poland.) They filled out a voluntary and anonymous questionnaire survey consisting of 13 questions. The collected material has been analyzed and described. The values of the analyzed parameters have been measured in a nominal scale and characterized with the use of numbers and percentages.
Results. The majority of respondents were not aware of any ways to prevent colon cancer. Most of them found colonoscopy the most significant diagnostic examination. A large proportion of the people surveyed claimed that preventive screening was not easily available. Nearly a half of the subjects pointed to mass media as the most reliable source of knowledge about colon cancer. Also, they subjectively claimed that their knowledge about colon cancer was not sufficient.
Conclusions. The surveyed group had little knowledge of colon cancer. According to the respondents there is difficulty in an access to preventive screening for country dwellers. Country dwellers did not value the health education provided by healthcare professionals.
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