Stress and interpersonal relationships in nursing work on the example of the study group
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working environment



Introduction. The working environment is full of stressful conditions that mainly concern the medical profession. In particular, the work of nurses is associated with high levels of occupational stress since they are responsible for helping, contacting the weak, sick or people that simply await medical assistance.

Aim. The aim of this study was to assess nurses’ exposure to stress at work.

Material and Methodology. The study involved a group of 108 nurses working in different entities of therapeutic activity in Sandomierz. The authors used the diagnostic survey method and a digital questionnaire of their own making. For statistical analysis, they used ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis test for multiple comparisons and medium-rank test for indicators of structure.

Results. As many as 82.72% of the surveyed nurses considered their work as stressful. The nurses mention the following factors as the most stressful ones: huge responsibility, low wages, exposure to harmful agents and dying people. The test results (p <0.001) indicate that not all of the tested stressful situations in the work environment of nurses evoke the same level of stress. Looking through the statistical lens, work induces stress in the following way: it causes pain, constant fatigue and irritability and lack of patience.

Conclusion. Among the stress factors at work, the nurses mention low wages and insufficient number of staff when set against the actual patients’ needs. Occupational stress exerts huge influence over the life of the surveyed nurses’.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2015 Kazimiera Zdziebło, Renata Stępień, Marzanna Siudak (Autor)