Introduction. Most healthcare professionals are at risk of developing the burnout syndrome (BS).
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the occurrence of BS among nurses working in intensive care units (ICU).
Material and methods. Some 195 nurses took part in a voluntary, anonymous questionnaire study. A standardized survey was used for the study: 36 statements were assessed on the basis of a 7-point Likert scale. Descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation, min, max.
Results. The level of BS was influenced by the amount of workload (46.14 in G. 1 and 47.18 in G. 2), followed by the attitude to work (40.92 in G. 1 and 40.43 in G. 2) and contact with patients (30.85 in G. 1 and 29.14 in G. 2). The nurses’ individual attitude toward stress had least impact over BS levels (17.71 in G. 1 and 17.36 in G. 2).
- Nurses are vulnerable to BS, which may contribute to lowering the patient care quality.
- There was no relationship between ICU and the level of BS.
- Organizational factors (like workload) had the greatest influence on the level of BS among ICU nurses and institutions that employ nurses should pay attention to this issue in order to modify organizational arrangements and improve patient care standards.
- There was no correlation between the nurses’ sex and the occurrence of BS. The two groups were not equal in size which means that some further studies are needed.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Katarzyna Gwarda, Zofia Sienkiewicz, Anna Kaczyńska, Joanna Gotlib (Autor)