Introduction. The number of melanoma cancer cases has increased during the last decade in most countries around the world. Taking preventive measures plays a huge role in an early diagnosis of skin cancer. Nurses with knowledge about melanoma can prove to be very successful in fighting the disease.
Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the level of nurses’ knowledge about melanoma and health behaviors.
Materials and methods. The research was conducted in University Children’s Hospital in Kraków in 2014. Some 100 nurses, selected at random, filled out a questionnaire of the authors’ own making.
Results. Some 79% of the respondents pointed to melanoma skin cancer as the most common form of a tumor. More than a half of the respondents, namely 56% of them, believe that melanoma cancer is a life-threatening condition. Various research studies show that dietary habits, behaviors and preventive health practices, as well as a positive mental attitude, is maintained at the secondary level.
Conclusions. The level of nurses’ knowledge about the prevention of cutaneous melanoma is average, namely 77%.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Anna Trzaskuś, Przemysław Zając, Aneta Grochowska, Iwona Bodys-Cupak (Autor)