The aim of the work is to analyze some scientific articles looking at the ethical and psychosocial problems related to the phenomenon of robotization in medicine. The main ethical problems include: obtaining the patient’s informed consent for a medical intervention using a robot, keeping doctors’ confidentiality, taking personal responsibility by the medical personnel for the effects of their medical work and/or using procedures carried out by robots, respect for the patient’s dignity, autonomy and the right to privacy, providing equal access for all patients to medical procedures performed using robotic systems, reliability of assessment of the benefits associated with the use of robotic procedures over conventional methods in given patient. In terms of how the society perceives the robotization process, the following issues are problematic: replacing doctors or nurses with robots, distrust and fear of the patients of using advanced robotic technology, no personal contact with the physician-operator before and after the procedure in case of telesurgery and impaired interpersonal relationships in case of application of robot-assisted mental and social therapy systems.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Jarosław Sak, Janusz Kidacki, Barbara Zarębska, Elżbieta Suchodolska (Autor)