Aim. The aim is to indicate the validity of implementing the ICNP® terminology in obstetric care on the example of a patient after postpartum hemorrhage with suspected preeclampsia. Based on the catalog of concepts, the entity’s problems and the midwife’s interventions were identifi ed in the proposed individualized care plan.
Material and methods. The research method in this work is an individual case study. The basis for the presented care plan was the use of techniques: interview, observation, analysis of medical documentation and measurements relevant for therapeutic purposes. This manuscript was developed based on the CARE protocol for case reports.
Results. The presented care model allowed for the implementation of individualized interventions, resulting in the improved quality of life and a better prognosis in the subject’s recovery process. The role of a midwife in the care of a patient with the previously mentioned diseases indicates the indispensable affi liation to an interdisciplinary team, at the same time establishing an independent and autonomous profession.
Conclusions. The use of the ICNP® classifi cation promotes the development of nursing as a fi eld of science. The indicated method allows for accurate interpretation of problems in the obstetric care, thus unifying the communication system based on databases and currently functioning catalogs of concepts.
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