Documenting patient's violent behavior by medical staff of hospital emergency departments
Documenting patient's violent behavior by medical staff of hospital emer.pdf


workplace violence
documenting violent behavior
hospital emergency department



Introduction. Hospital emergency departments (ED) are places of the highest aggression rates towards staff. In Poland, in the case of violent behavior personnel can exercise the right to legal protection reserved to public officials. To be able to exercise it, personnel should document the course of violent behavior they were subject to.

Aim. The aim of the study was to examine whether the staff of ED document violent behavior they are subject to in the workplace and to answer the question: what factors are they taking into account while reporting or not violent behavior incidents.

Material and methods. The study was conducted among medical personnel of six hospital ED in Poland. A total of 282 health care professionals took part in the study. The diagnostic survey method was applied. The data was compiled using Statistica PL and Microsoft Excel software.

Results. 43.3% of respondents always document cases of violent behavior and 5.3% never do it. The personnel document aggression mainly for the purpose of their own safety - 44.8%. 40% of respondents who do not document acts of aggression consider it pointless.

Conclusions. Cases of aggression are registered in medical records by nearly every second person of medical professional. The reasons for documenting cases of aggression include: concern for own safety, procedures in force in the unit, fear of further consequences.

Documenting patient's violent behavior by medical staff of hospital emer.pdf


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