Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze the assessment of issues related to the occurrence of spinal pain in professionally active nurses.
Material and methods. The study group consisted of 145 nurses. The diagnostic survey method was used in the study using a questionnaire technique. The research tool was the original questionnaire (sociodemographic data and questions about opinions on the occurrence of spinal pain). The NRS scale was also used in the study.
Results. The vast majority (99%, n=143) of respondents declared that they felt spinal pains. The largest group indicated that the most common location of pain was the lumbar spine (56.55%, n=82). It was shown that there is a statistically signifi cant relationship between the use of sick leave and the intensity of the pain (χ2=24.101, p<0.05) and the subjective perception of the degree of disability (χ2=35.8300, p<0.05). A significant statistical relation between the place of work and the section of the spine most frequently affected by pain (χ2=12.719, p<0.05) was demonstrated.
Conclusions. The work as a nurse contributes to the occurrence of spinal pain. There is a connection between the place of work and the occurrence of pain syndromes. Spinal pain contributed to absence from work. Seniority at work has an impact on the occurrence of spinal pain. Nursing staff has knowledge about spinal saving techniques. The occurrence of spinal pain syndromes affects the functioning in everyday life.
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