Aim. Assessment of preparation of a nurse – employee of the primary health care for providing preventative measures against domestic violence targeted at elders.
Material and methods. The material was collected in a group of 70 nurses – employees of the primary health care of a medical centre in Lodz. Inclusion criteria were: the respondent’s consent for the inclusion in the study and the position of a nurse of the primary health care system. The authors of the study used the diagnostic survey method, with the application of their own questionnaire. Obtained results were statistically analysed.
Results. In the nurses’ opinion, lack of knowledge of effective tools, which could be used to provide victims with help, considerably hampers implementation of preventive measures for counteracting domestic violence. A multivariate analysis revealed a relationship between the opinion of nurses on prevention of domestic violence against the elderly and their education, the number of years worked and individual beliefs.
Conclusions. Violence against elders is a growing global problem. Polish nurses are legally obliged to initiate interventions in order to counteract domestic violence. Nurses from the primary health care are not prepared to carry out prevention of violence against the elderly. There is a need to provide nurses employed in the primary health care with post-graduate training on counteracting domestic violence against the elderly.
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