Nutritional and care problems in infants with lactose intolerance
Nutritional and care problems in infants with lactose intolerance.pdf


lactose intolerance
care problems



Aim. The purpose of the paper was to learn about nursing and nutritional problems in children with lactose intolerance.

Material and methods. The study included a group of 343 parents, 320 (93.3%) women and 23 (6.7%) men. A self-written questionnaire containing 27 questions was used for the study. The comparison of responses in the groups was performed using the chi-square test or the Fisher’s exact test where the expected low rates appeared in the tables. The analysis was performed in the R software, version 4.0.2.

Results. The most common symptoms affecting the respondents’ children were: abdominal pain (77.3%), abdominal distension (73.5%), overfl ow in the abdomen (49%), and mucus-mixed stools (45.5%). The symptoms caused the child’s anxiety during sleep in 52.5%, problems with attaching to the breast in 30.3%, and buttocks burns in 23.9%. Statistical analysis confirmed a significant relationship between education and age and the source from which the respondents obtained information on lactose intolerance (p<0.05). Statistical analysis showed that the financial situation had no effect on calcium supplementation in breastfeeding women while on a lactose-free diet (p>0.05). It is worth noting, however, that only 10.5% of the respondents declared calcium supplementation while on a lactose-free diet.

Conclusions. It is important to confi rm the diagnosis with an examination, as an incorrect diagnosis may lead to a number of problems without obtaining the desired effect. In children with symptoms of lactose intolerance, meeting the daily calcium requirement is essential.

Nutritional and care problems in infants with lactose intolerance.pdf


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