Polish midwives and lactation care – development opportunities
Polish midwives and lactation care – development opportunities.pdf





Introduction. Providing lactation care and promoting breastfeeding are indispensable tasks of a midwife. Natural feeding can create numerous problems, which means that the constant updating and expanding knowledge and competence of midwives in the matter of lactation is included in the role of a midwife. It can also be an interesting career path.

Aim. The aim of the work is to present the opportunities for professional development of a midwife in the field of lactation in Poland as part of postgraduate education.

Conclusions. Lactation Educator – a specialist course organised by the Centre for Postgraduate Training of Nurses and Midwives “Education and Support of Women in Lactation” which enables to work as a lactation  educator. Certified Lactation Consultant – a course organized by the Lactation Science Centre “Problems in lactation”. The title of Certified Lactation Consultant confirms that the midwife has acquired the appropriate knowledge and skills to professionally and responsibly conduct specialist lactation counselling. International Certified Breastfeeding Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) – IBCLC has the appropriate knowledge of and skills in supporting nursing women, confirmed by an international examination entitled to work in the field of lactation worldwide.

Polish midwives and lactation care – development opportunities.pdf


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