Top management education needs - A case study of public health system in Slovenia
Top management education needs – A case study of public health system in Slovenia.pdf


public health institutions of Slovenia



Aim. The purpose of the research was to identify the gap in the existing educational content in Slovenia, which employees in the top management of public health institutions acquired during their education, and to propose a new educational program based on the analysis of the results.

Material and methods. Quantitative research method and descriptive work method were used. The survey was completed by
directors, expert directors and assistant directors for health care in public health institutions in Slovenia. The survey was sent to all employees in the top management of public health institutions in Slovenia (N = 216). For statistic analysis we use chi-square test and Kullback’s test.

Results. A total number of 146 (67.6%) fully completed questionnaires were analyzed. After reviewing the educational programs and the needs for additional education expressed by the respondents, we noted that there is no program in Slovenia that covers all the necessary content for quality work in top management. We can add that employees in the top management of public health institutions should be required to receive special education.

Conclusions. Based on the opinions expressed by the respondents, we propose the introduction of a one-year educational program that would include topics from economics, legislation, management, medicine and nursing.

Top management education needs – A case study of public health system in Slovenia.pdf


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