Effectiveness of selected alternative methods of airway management by the nursing staff



Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of selected methods of alternative airway management by nursing staff.

Material and methods. A prospective, pilot observational study was conducted on a group of 51 nurses undergoing specialization training or with specialty. Each nurse managed the airway with a laryngeal mask (LMA-Laryngeal Mask) and a laryngeal tube (LT-D-Laryngeal Tube) on a BT-CSIE trainer, and then carried out one minute ventilation using a bag valve mask, according to possessed knowledge and skills. The obtained parameters (time, pressure on the incisors, head tilt, ventilation quality) were recorded using a dedicated tablet. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBMSPSS Statistics 20 package.

Results. No statistically significant differences were observed between the trials to open the airway using LMA and LT-D. Higher efficiency of LMA airway opening was demonstrated in the first trial and the average tidal volume during ventilation in relation to LT-D (LMA 547.84ml vs. LT-D 522.63ml). In addition, there was a significant difference in pressure on the incisors (LMA 6.82N vs. LT-D 4.12N).

Conclusions. The effectiveness of LMA and LT-D insertion was assessed at a high level, with no significant differences between them. Variables: age, seniority, education level and type of specialization did not significantly differentiate the results obtained.

Eff ectiveness of selected alternative methods of airway management by the nursing staff.pdf


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