Introduction. An important priority of provided care is the focus on the quality of life of the patients and their families and care for bio-psycho-social and spiritual needs of the patients.
Aim. The aim was to identify the unmet needs of patients and to determine the impact of targeted interventions on the unmet needs of patients.
Material and methods. The sample consisted of 151 patients with PND. The NPCS questionnaire was used for data collection.
Results. Most unmet needs were identified in the area of rehabilitation, both with respect to frequency (78.8%) as well as intensity (73.5%), family support (52.3%), provision of residential respite care (38.4 %), need of personal care (35.7%), and specialized nursing treatment (33.7%). Targeted intervention reduced the unmet needs in patients included in the interventional study.
Conclusions. Understanding the factors which determine the type and degree of unmet needs of patients with PND is essential for providing suitable multidisciplinary care.
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