Inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa as a side symptom of systemic treatment
Inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa as a side symptom of systemic treatment.pdf


oral hygiene
oral mucositis



Introduction. Introduction OM caused by systemic treatment is a major therapeutic problem. The related complications may causa complications in the course of planned treatment, which in turn may aff ect the prognosis and results of oncological treatment.

Aim. The aim of the study is to present the problem experienced by oncological patients undergoing systemic treatment.The paper describes the pathogenesis of oral mucositis, the current treat-ment standards and emphasizes the role of an oncology nurse in ca ring for a patient with symptoms of this disease.

Method. The paper reviews selected literature on stomatitis in cancer patients. Numerous clinical trials are conducted to search for drugs that could be used in the prevention and treatment – OM.

Summary. The development of oncological therapies, including targeted treatment and immunotherapy, signifi cantly extended the life span of patients and the time free from disease progression. Appropriate prophylaxis, patient education, systematic observation allow for early detection of the disease, which allows for quick implementation of symptomatic treatment. The basis of successful oncological therapy is close cooperation the patient with the doctor and nurse, and active and conscious participation in the en tire treatment and care proces.

Inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa as a side symptom of systemic treatment.pdf



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