Aim. The aim of the study was to analyse the level of cultural intelligence and multicultural personality profile of novice nurses in Poland in the context of the increase of migration and refugee crises.
Material and methods. A cross-sectional study of 234 novice nurses working in clinical, district or city hospitals was conducted. The Polish version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale and the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire were used. Statistica™ 13.3 software was used for analysis.
Results. The results indicate a moderate level of cultural intelligence and diversity in the levels of intensity of the multicultural personality traits. The highest levels were found in cultural empathy. A positive correlation was found between cultural intelligence and multicultural personality. The global dimension of cultural intelligence and its four domains were found to be related to three multicultural personality traits – cultural sensitivity, social initiative and open-mindedness.
Conclusions. The study highlights the importance of cultural competence in healthcare and the need to strengthen it among novice nurses, especially amidst contemporary social changes and challenges associated with migration. The implementation of systematic training programmes aimed at increasing cultural competence among nurses is recommended to enhance and develop these skills.
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