Polish Adaptation of the Cross-Cultural Competence Inventory: An Overview
Polish Adaptation of the Cross-Cultural Competence Inventory.pdf


Cross-cultural competencies
Polish adaptation
psychometric properties
multiculturalism in health-care



Introduction. The growing cultural diversity of Polish society creates new challenges for people who, in their professional activities, deal with culturally divergent people. Therefore, on the one hand, there is an urgent need for education and development in crosscultural competences; on the other hand, there is a need to measure these competences with reliable and accurate methods.

Aim. The goal of the present paper is recommendation of the Polish adaptation of the Cross-Cultural Competence Inventory (CCCI). In addition, the paper discusses the possible usage of the CCCI within the Polish healthcare system.

Methods. The CCCI was adapted to Polish in a multistage process [1]. Briefly, it consisted of two studies, with 455 (Study 1) and 347 (Study 2) participants, in which the psychometric properties of the CCCI were evaluated in terms of reliability, internal consistency, factorial structure, test-retest reliability, and theoretical validity, criterion and convergent validity.

Results. Although the original version of the CCCI was assumed to have a 6-dimensional factor structure, confirmatory factor analysis did not provide strong evidence for this assumption. However, as demonstrated in two studies, the Polish adaptation of the CCCI has satisfactory psychometric properties, such as reliability and validity (theoretical, criterion and convergent).

Conclusions. Results of Study 1 and Study 2 support the conclusion that the CCCI can be successfully used in empirical research among healthcare professionals and students of medical courses. Future work may focus on further improvements of the CCCI by, for example, developing Polish standardized norms for different groups of professionals.

Polish Adaptation of the Cross-Cultural Competence Inventory.pdf


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