Correlation between the assessment of family relations and psychologicalfactors in mothers of children diagnosed with autism and Asperger'ssyndrome




autism, Asperger's syndrome, family factors, family relations


The aim. The aim of the work was to analyze correlation between the assessment of family relations and the assessment of the child's functioning and psychological factors (stress-coping style, burnout, adaptation level, coherence, a sense of social suport, and mental health) in mothers of children with Asperger's syndrome and childhood autism.

Participants and methods. The study included 70 mothers of children treated in mental health clinic (52 mothers of children with Asperger's syndrome and 18 mothers of children with autism). The study used a battery of psychological tests.

Results. In the group of mothers of children with autism, there are significant correlations between the assessment of relations in the family and stress-coping styles and burnout. In the group of mothers of children with Asperger’s Syndrome, there are significant correlations between the assessment of family relations and the assessment of the child's disorder, burnout, a sense of coherence, emotional support and mental resilience.

Conclusions. Based on the statical analyzes, the following conclusions were formulated: 1. Positive assessment of family relations by women raising children with autism is associated with the use of a task-oriented stress-coping style, whereas negative assessment – with the loss of personal involvement.2. Positive assessment of family relations by women raising children with Asperger's syndrome is associated with a sense of control, instrumental support, mental resilience, and negative – with the assessment of the child's disorder as a threat, burnout, loss of efficacy, personal involvement and decreased emotional control.


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