Self-mutilation in people with psychiatric diagnosis - literature review
self-mutilation, autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disordersAbstract
Introduction: Self-mutilation is of an auto-aggressive nature. They take many forms. Usually they do not occur as an isolated phenomenon. Self-injuring persons often have a diagnosed mental disorder, and a psychiatric diagnosis is one of the risk factors for the occurrence of self-harm.
Material and method: In this study, articles were analyzed that contained information on the occurrence of various mental disorders. These articles searched for information on the occurrence of self-mutilation, its type, origin and causes.
Discussion: Self-mutilation is common in patients with a psychiatric diagnosis. The frequency of such behaviors can range from 33% to 50% in people with autism, up to 22%, and even 49% in people diagnosed with psychotic disorders. Acts of selfharm may affect 50-78% of people diagnosed with border-line personality disorder. In adolescents with eating disorders, 41% of patients report self-harm. In the group of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it may be as high as 77.3%. People with depression are also a large self-injuring group. It is reported that it may be up to 71.2% of patients with unipolar disorder.
Conclusions: Self-mutilation is a phenomenon that is more and more topical and common not only in the adolescent population. This is a multi-factorial issue. One of the risk factors are mental disorders. Self-mutineers choose various methods, and this choice depends, among others, on from recognition. The size of the phenomenon and its evolution make it necessary to study it in order to increase the level of knowledge, update information and, consequently, the ability to help people at risk of NSSI.
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